June 27, 2021
Over the last month and a half I've been working on a book on MIPS assembly programming targeted primarily at college students. I did this for two reasons. First
because MIPS is one of the most in-demand subjects in my tutoring (followed
by RISC-V which is growing). Secondly, because it was an excuse to learn
asciidoctor, a more powerful alternative to markdown.
The latest version will always be available here.
It also comes in pdf form.
Lastly, you can see the repo (which includes some example code that is referenced in the book)
June 16, 2021
So, it's only 9 months past when I initially released it, but I'm finally
posting it to my projects
page and writing this perfunctory blog post about it.
In a nutshell, it's a portable, single header library, written in clean-C
(ie C++ safe), implementing OpenGL 3.x ish. In other words, it runs
entirely on the CPU and its only dependency is C99, though all the
examples and demos use SDL2.
You can read more about it and look at the examples here.
September 10, 2020
I've been using LBRY for a while now and it's made amazing proress in the last couple years in terms of the user experience both of the desktop app (which I use on linux), the android app, and of course lbry.tv which is how most people first experience lbry. If you haven't heard of LBRY or don't know what it is, I recommend you read their answer, but in a nutshell it's both a protocol for sharing files (not just videos, that's just what most use it for) in a decentralized way and also the open source applications built by the company to access those files on the network.
The reason I'm talking about it (besides the fact that it's awesome and I want it to continue to grow and want more creators to post to it in addition, or even instead of Youtube), is that I've been experimenting with posting blog posts there. Their markdown syntax is slightly different than the python library I use to generate my static site and it renders a little differently (most annoyingly paragraphs have to be all on one line, at least in the desktop app, the result looks better on lbry.tv) but it's worth the minor changes to get the automatic handling of light and dark modes. If I posted a raw html file one or the other would not look good since there's no way to detect the mode and change css dynamically afaik.
Eventually, I may even start posting videos or other content on LBRY, but for now I'll just try to mirror blog posts and maybe some project READMEs.
June 25, 2020
A few days ago I added created 4 new repls of 4 of my C projects. I added repls
These join the one I had for my Goodreads SQLite database. So you can now try
all of these out in the browser here
June 15, 2020
I recently finished some relatively major changes and improvements to CVector.
Since the most recent changes involved actual changes to the API, both adding new functions and modifing a few existing ones,
I've bumped the version up to 4.0.
Since I've never done an update post like this, and you can look at the main project page and documentation
etc. for all the details I'll just sum up some changes from about the last year (since about 3.1.0 give or take):
- Changing elem_init to return an int to indicate failure/success (and adding that checking where it's called)
- Renaming copy functions to match type-as-suffix convention
- Adding a copyc function that does initialization first, ie copy constructor
- Adding a CVEC_STRDUP macro wrapper which defaults to internal cvec_strdup if user doesn't set it
- Adding "move" function varieties (m suffix) for non-POD vectors that do not call elem_init/elem_free or CVEC_STRDUP/free.
- Adding a remove function that doesn't call elem_free/free (predates "move" functions... should I add an m even though the normal
"remove" is called erase? Or rename remove to erasem for consistency?)
- Fixing several bugs and semi-bugs/QOL issues
- Adding lots of new tests to cover most if not all new functionality
- probably more that I'm forgetting
Renaming remove to erasem occurred to me briefly, and I do appreciate the consistency, but I already had remove and theoretically
not breaking existing code (even if it's just mine) is a worthy goal and I feel the english connotations of erase vs remove are
appropriate here. Sigh, now I've pretty much talked myself into adding an erasem wrapper macro that calls remove.
January 12, 2020
I've been learning SQL (and particularly SQLite) slowly and casually over the
last couple months and as I mentioned in my New Year's post, I want to continue
that and use it in more ways and in more projects. Thus far I've read through
a lot of SQLite documentation, done a decent number of Hackerrank problems, gone
through the W3Schools questions, and more importantly used SQLite in some random
Python scripts and added a SQLite based implementation to
I realized soon after starting with SQL that one dataset that would be fun to play with
would be my Goodreads library. Using their export function which gives you a csv file
and a relatively simple Python script, I could create a SQLite3 database. Since I had
another few books I wanted to read before the end of the year and plenty more SQL exercises
and such to occupy me I decided to wait so I could have all of 2019 available for analysis
and statistics, and finally it's time.
I've been using Goodreads for several years now and while I've probably missed a book
here and there, I've been reasonably consistent about adding books since I first created
an account. When I first started I added 100's of books immediately in a futile attempt
to create a definitive list of every book (or at least every fictional one) I've ever read.
Given that, take my ratings for the first couple hundred or so books with a grain of salt.
I have gone back and adjusted some occasionally to be more inline with my current ratings
but even if I remembered all of them it's impossible to rate things perfectly, especially
years or decades after you experienced it.
There are a few multi-book items in there, so items is not quite equivalent to books.
One last thing; unfortunately the goodreads export system is not perfect and for some reason
does not export date_read reliably at all (just leaves it blank most of the time) so that
precludes some more interesting analysis I wanted to do for the last few years.
Without further ado, here are some statistics:
Statistic |
Result |
total_items |
515 |
total_pages |
197367.0 |
avg(pages) |
383.982490272374 |
And here is a break down by binding (aka format):
binding |
count(binding) |
Paperback |
211 |
Kindle Edition |
152 |
Hardcover |
70 |
Mass Market Paperback |
58 |
ebook |
20 |
Audible Audio |
3 |
1 |
If you want to see the data and perform some SQL queries of your own (in the browser!),
I put the project up on REPL so you can see it here. Just
select which repl "Goodreads + SQL".
January 5, 2020
So it's that time of year again and I figured I'd publicly join in and hope that helps
keep me honest. I've split the goals into Primary and Secondary. Secondary is a catchall for
things that would be cool but I'm not super motivated to do and for things that I'll do
naturally and really shouldn't count (like reading fiction).
- Get in running shape, run 2-4x/week, bike ~1x/week
- Calisthenics 3x/week, weight lifting ~1/week
- Program 20+ hours a week (not counting paid work)
- Update website at least once a week (not necessarily a blog post)
- Continue to learn SQL and Scheme/Racket, use in/for several projects and possible paid work
- #ProjectEuler100 Challenge
- Learn and do some projects in Rust and Javascript
- Finish at least 12 fiction books
- Finish 12 non-fiction books
- Get 500+ stars on one of my Github repos
- Get a project into the Debian repos (and maybe the AUR?)
Obviously some are very broad, there's some overlap and there are a lot more specific goals I have
that will be covered/accomplished through say Primary 1-3.
This is kind of the whole Systems vs. Goals thing that Scott Adams and others have been on
for several years. I think it's a false dichotomy; a system is a goal and most goals are systems.
More than that, there's a chain for large, long term goals. For example, say my goal is to run a
marathon. I'd start a year before the race with a plan to run 4-5 times a week working
in a speed every other week. I'd do 5Ks, then 10Ks, and finally half-marathons every other month.
Those are all systems, or (sub)goals in their own right. Even finer grained, I'd have systems for
sleeping and eating right in service of those systems/goals. Basically until you get down to things
that can be accomplished in a day or 2, every goal has systems. Even something done in a weekend like
a game jam benefitted from goals and systems that came before (learning the tools, general experience
and prior game jams) and you might have your diet and sleep specifically calibrated for a 48-72 hour
develoment marathon as another system.
Sorry, that was a tangent, but it's always bothered me the whole Systems > Goals. It's just semantics
and perception.
December 6, 2017
So a little over a month ago, I thought it would be cool to try out emscripten and
WebAssembly with one of my students. We had previously done some "hello world"
type graphics programs and a simple game port and I thought it'd be fun to see
how easy (or not) it was to get those to run in the browser.
While I think it was a good exercise, and emscripten is much better than it was a
couple years ago, I don't think it's ready for primetime yet. You cannot simply
compile your existing graphics/game code and expect it to work. If you're lucky
you only have to make a few minor changes and with an #ifdef you can use the same
code for your regular executable to. If you're not, you might have to re-do your
whole program because of the limitations emscripten (which are really the limitations
of the browser/DOM rendering model. These include turning infinite loops into callback
functions and restricting yourself to OpenGL ES 2/3 which gets translated to WebGL 1/2.
In any case, here are our results:
For some reason we could not get file loading to work and the movement in sdl2_interactive is very
inconsistent for no reason that we could determine. We originally wanted to port simulate
which we had previously already ported to C but due to the mainloop callback requirement, it would have required a complete redesign.
Useful links:
March 7, 2016
I've posted a new project, opengl_reference.
As it says, it's going to be a growing repo of small to medium OpenGL programs.
Some will be very simple examples, almost tutorial type programs. Some will
demonstrate 1 or 2 specific features of OpenGL. Some will show specific aspects/behavior
of OpenGL (like it's left-handed canonical coordinate system or what happens when you draw
lines on the exact edges of the view volume). Finally, a couple will be template
programs, meant to be copy-pasted to start new projects of a certain type.
In the course of developing these, I'll be building my OpenGL helper libraries
(math, mesh/buffer/texture/shader management etc.) and refining/improving them. I'll
also be using/learning glm but I prefer using/writing my own for various reasons.
February 4, 2016
So I updated my website yesterday(I know it still needs a lot of work I'm not
a web developer) and I added several project pages including a new one.
I've been wanting to learn PySDL2 for a while now and a couple months ago I finally
had the motivation to start. To learn it I decided to port all the games (and other
programs) from "Making Games with Python & Pygame"
by Al Sweigart.
Al Sweigart, if you haven't heard of him, has 4 python books
and all of them are available for free online along with the source code.
I encourage you to check them out,
I got a little less than half way done before I felt comfortable enough to move on,
starting my own simple games. Soon after I was on vacation with family for about
10 days during the holidays so by the time I got back it was even less on my mind
and I haven't touched it since.
I've added a README and released what I have to Github/Bitbucket because
I think it'll be useful to people. I'm thinking about starting a small
crowdfunding campaign, probably on indiegogo, to motivate me to finish
it if there's enough interest.
Anyway the project page is here for those
September 26, 2015
So I've resolved once again to try to post to this blog once
a week or so. Hopefully it'll help motivate me to make more
progress on my programming projects so I'll have something
to say. In addition, maybe I'll eventually make this site
look like it wasn't built in the 90's.
STATUS UPDATE 2/4/16: epic failure, recommitting.
Anyway, I've been tinkering with my collection of sorting algorithms
and the benchmarking program I wrote for them years ago. I've
also been looking at how to display the timing results in a pretty
graph. For now I'm playing with matplotlib in python.
On to the coding! I wanted to see how my algorithms stacked up against
the C stdlib qsort function (and C++'s std::sort but I only made a graph
for C). Since it uses a C style generic quicksort I decided to write
my own version with the same interface and compare all my quicksort
- qsort, standard recursive implementation
- qsortlib, C's qsort function
- genericqsort, my version of above
- iterqsort, iterative version of qsort
- qinssort, same as 1 but switches to insertion sort <=25 elements

As you can see, the 3 non-generic implementations 1, 4 and 5 all
perform roughly the same, especially at higher N, while the 2
generic versions are about half as fast due to the extra overhead
involved. My generic version is a tad slower but I think I'll try
adding insertion sort for smaller groups and see if that makes the
You can see the code I used here.
I compiled it as is but am only talking about main.c, or benchmark, not cppbenchmark.
Running this from the build directry (after build and running benchmark)
will generate the graph. I had to expand and save it manually ...
I need to figure out sizing the whole image programmatically.
python3 ../plotbarchart.py
November 6, 2009
I know there are a million lists of common programming mistakes (for almost every language) but I thought I'd do one myself. Hopefully in writing about my most common mistakes I'll quit making them or at least remember to check for them first when my code doesn't work. So . . .
1.) Forgetting a semi-colon.
I know it's the most obvious mistake in C/C++. Whether it's at the end of a class, struct, do-while loop or just a normal statement, I always seem to forget at least one semi-colon the first time I compile something.
2.) Adding a semi-colon to the end of an if statement.
I think one time I made this mistake was in my Watering Lawn project. I think I had the following (lines 100-104 in wateringlawn.cpp):
which of course drove me crazy because my program was compiling and I knew I had written it right but it wasn't doing what I wanted. Weird how your eyes can travel over the same place over and over again and you just get used to the semi-colon and totally ignore it. Unconsciously you just accept that it should be there. Fortunately I figured it out without too much head banging.
3.) Putting one equal sign in an if statement.
Yes I recently commited this mistake for I think the first time ever. I was just typing too quickly and without really focusing. I realize that there may be some edge cases where you might actually want an equal sign in if statement but I can't think of any and I haven't had any so far.
4.) Not looking at the entire line.
This is especially annoying if I've spent quite a bit of time staring at the line trying to figure it out after already having spent time isolating which line it is. I had the following line and of course was getting an error. Thing is I had already fixed the quotes (double to single) for the '('. I was so focused and frustrated that the compiler was complaining about something I'd already fixed I didn't notice the ones around the A.
if(x=='(') mystack.push("A");
5.) Using double quotes when I need single quotes.
See above. Sometimes I'm just not paying attention and typing to fast.
6.) Using gcc when I'm coding in C++.
7.) Not keep track of exactly where my pointers are pointing.
(and realizing when things are pointing at the same thing instead of different things passing C strings around etc.)
8.) Not using sizeof when using memory functions in C.
(I know you can leave it out for primitives like char and int but I should just always use it so I won't forget for the complex structures).
9.) Forgetting a break statement.
10.) Forgetting to increment a counter.
Or similarly forgetting to set the pointer to the next one while looping through a linked list.
Most of these (especially 7-10) I made while writing C PIM. Hopefully I can use these as a self checklist or something.
EDIT: 11.) Forgetting to close a file stream.
EDIT 2: 12.) Allocating the wrong amount of memory.
EDIT 3: 14.) Type problems (wrong conversions, underflow and overflow in arithmetic both integer and real).
August 25, 2009
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("Hello World");
return 0;
August 15, 2009
blah blah blah
March 10, 2000
Testing testing just putting some content here
March 6, 2000
Testing testing just putting some content here